Discord Bot Integration Guide
The How-To Guide
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The How-To Guide
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Use this link to add the humanID Discord Bot to Your Server
humanID’s Discord Bot offers a 100% anonymous option for Discord authentication. Protect your server from duplicate and fake accounts, data leaks/theft, and abusive users with a more secure method of authentication. humanID is a product of the nonprofit Foundation for a Human Internet. We guarantees that our Discord authentication bot is anti-spam, anti-raid, and anti-bot with no other motive than to preserve online communities. We never harvest personal data.
You should have administrative privileges on the Discord Server that's trying to integrate the Discord Bot 🚨
(Optional) Configure the Verified Role
The bot integration process can be done through either the Discord desktop application or the web application 💻
This record helps us identify the server that you manage, so we can provide authentication services accordingly.
In a signed-in Discord server, click on the gear icon
Scroll down to the Advanced section then turn on Developer Mode
Come back to the server's main page. Above the text channel list, right-click on the server's name and select Copy ID
Allows us to connect your server to humanID, so we are able to verify (or block) individual users for your Discord Server.
Verifies that you registered your server with our core authentication service, so your bot can interface with the core humanID service.
Register via the humanID Developer Console
Create a new project
THIS IS IMPORTANT - choose the project name as it will appear to your end users. We will ask your users to "Log into xyz" - what's xyz for you? For example, your Discord server's name could make sense.
Click on Create New Credentials
In this step, enter any 'Credential Name' you like, and choose 'Production' and 'Server'.
Make sure paste your Server ID from Discord into the "Server ID" text field.
After creating the credentials, click on Edit Redirect URLs on the bottom-right side of the project page:
For 'Successful URL', paste in the following: https://verify.discord.human-id.org/verification_successful
For 'Failed URL', paste in:https://verify.discord.human-id.org/verification_failed
Don't forget to save the update.
If you are not the owner of the server, you can ask the owner to do so, and grant you administrator privileges.
Click this link: “Add the humanID Discord Bot to Your Server” . This button will take you to the Discord website. Please ensure that you are logged into the correct Discord account.
Under the "Add to Server:" section, choose the Discord server that you wish the humanID Discord Bot to live in.
When asked to confirm granting the humanID Discord Bot Administrator access, confirm and click on Continue.
Finish any final authorization step to add the bot.
By default, the bot will give the following permissions to the humanID-verified Role:
View Channels
Change Nickname
Send Messages
Send Messages in Threads
Create Public Threads
Embed Links
Attach Files
Add Reactions
Use External Emoji
Read Message History
Use Application Commands
Grant access to private channels
Manually change permissions of verified users
Once you have added the bot to your server with the correct permissions please follow these steps (if you are indeed the server administrator):
Navigate to the #get-verified channel (should have been made for you by the bot when you installed)
Use the /register command followed by your email address
The bot will respond by sending your email an activation link so we can verify the email address
After clicking the link you will be redirected back to discord and your server will be ready to use the /verify command!